Possible bug in EPS export for Network Miditower object? (fwd)

Further experimentation on my part with more complex diagrams
has uncovered the following: that the EPS export routine
appears to get all the line widths wrong for objects in the way
I described before, apart from the last object in the .dia
file, which gets given the correct line width when exported to
EPS. I've included an example diagram which demonstrates this:
the line width of the arrow at the top right-most solid arrow
(not the dashed one) of the diagram is correct when the diagram
is exported to EPS, all the other objects and lines get given
the wrong line width.

I would say that this is increasingly looking like a bug in the
EPS export routines. Unfortunately I don't have the time to go
through them and find it but I hope this helps the developers
track it down.


Andrew Ferrier

email: andrew new-destiny co uk
web: http://www.new-destiny.co.uk/andrew/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 15:19:46 +0100 (BST)
From: Andrew Ferrier <andrew junk new-destiny co uk>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Possible bug in EPS export for Network Miditower object? (fwd)

Quick addendum: This also appears to be true of the Switch
symbol. I haven't had the time to test it with any others.

Andrew Ferrier

email: andrew new-destiny co uk
web: http://www.new-destiny.co.uk/andrew/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 14:17:41 +0100 (BST)
From: Andrew Ferrier <andrew junk new-destiny co uk>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Possible bug in EPS export for Network Miditower object?

I think I might have discovered a possible bug in the EPS
export for one or more network objects.

I'm creating a diagram using network objects, with one 'Desktop
PC' object and one 'Miditower PC' object, connected with a
line. In Dia, I set the line width to be 0.00 for all the
objects because otherwise the lines are very thick and (IMHO)
it looks ugly. It Dia that seems to work fine, even when saving
and reloading the file.

However, when I export this file as EPS and include it in a
LaTeX document, the Desktop PC object appears fine, but the
Miditower PC object has thick, ugly lines again.

I think this must be a bug. I've included my .dia file and the
.eps export that Dia generates for reference. Does anyone have
any thoughts on this?

I'm using the 15/05/2002 CVS snapshot.


Andrew Ferrier

email: andrew new-destiny co uk
web: http://www.new-destiny.co.uk/andrew/

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