Patch: Connection optimization

Hi there,
today I worked a bit with Dia. 0.88.1 had severe problems with finding
fonts (although they should are there). So I tried the CVS version.

Later on, I noticed what would be a great feature. Take the following

+------+          +-------+
|      *----------*       |  (two rectangles connected by a line)
+------+          +-------+

If I move the left one to the right, I get:

                  +------+          +-------+
                  +------+          +-------+

Which I find rather annoying.

Therefore, I hacked around a bit (getting the concept of
ConnectionPoints, Connections and Handles right isn't that easy) and
produced the patch attached. It is more a proof-of-concept than a final
patch. An UI addition to enable/disable this behaviour (or maybe add
this as a property to the connection) is neccessary.

The patch only modifies the Connection object (and a small part of
connectionpoint_ops.c) - I think it should be factored out to be used by
other connection types as well (e.g. bezier, zig-zag). As I'm not
familiar with the Dia architecture, I could not find a suitable place.

Comments welcome!

Bye, Tino.

             * LINUX - Where do you want to be tomorrow? *

Attachment: dia-connection-optimize.patch
Description: Text document

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