Re: Documentation on the development of C (C++?) Dia plugins (shapes)

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Pierre Pronchery wrote:

Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 17:28:13 +0200
From: Pierre Pronchery <pierre defora org>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Documentation on the development of C (C++?) Dia plugins

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 06:23:06PM +0300, Steffen Macke wrote:

I think this is excellent!
well, thanks :)
I think at least the part on
shape creation should be added to
the dia manual. I would also like to
add the rest (Other opinions on this?).
Would that be ok for you?
of course, I'd be honoured :)

Are you familiar with DocBook so that you
could merge your text with the dia manual?
unfortunately, not at all. I actually write plain html, and I'm having a look to sgml and latex, because 
I'd like to try an alternative to common word processors.
this takes time, and moreover I'm writing my report now. however, could you point me to a quick reference 
to DocBook? I'll use it if it fills my need. I'll have more time in a month to try all of these.

Start here:
Gnome Documentation project

The web page says (although i cannot find exactly where it says it) that
they if you can provide documentation as plain text or html they will make
it into DocBook.

There are sample templates available, if you are able to handwrite html
docbook does not require too much learning

the official docbook standard is here
but it is probably more information than you really need

Alan Horkan

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