Re: Review of Keybindings [Re: Dia's user interface]

On Fri, 3 May 2002, James K. Lowden wrote:
On 02 May 2002 09:26:15 -0500 "Lars Clausen" <lrclause cs uiuc edu>
Could you mark the widgets somehow so that the connection between values
in the prefs structure and widgets isn't hardcoded?  That would make it
easier to change once the dialog gets too big.

I agree with Larry Wall about laziness, and I consider hardcoding to be
work.  I'll look for an intelligent, extensible answer, a/k/a
"cleverness".  No worries.  

The trick is to be lazy yet simple.  "Make it work, make it right, make it

I can see us pretty soon being in need of a vertical layout, but we must
make sure to make it easy to figure out.  Separate parts for the tree
dialog, sheets dialog, and new diagrams doesn't seem too bad.  

That demarcation makes sense to me.  

BTW, is there a notion of canvas or diagram preferences, or templates,
sort of like Dia style sheets?  It occurred to me today that I have
(non-Dia) diagrams in which the diagram holds defaults for the objects.
Different diagrams, intentionally, have different rules for fonts,
colors, arrow headings, and lots of other things besides.  

There is currently no such notion.  It's something to keep in mind for the

On layout.  It may be that you can see further than I can.  The primary
advantage of the vertical layout (pioneered by Netscape?) is that it can
accomodate many more entries than a tabbed dialog.  OTOH, tabbed dialogs
require less screen real estate, and are directly supported by Glade.

You know, I just noticed that you can have a tabbing widget with the tabs
to the left.  It's not quite a tree, but with the reorganization we talked
about earlier, it would probably be nicer, and it should be easy to change
into a tree if so desired.  I believe the tree widget is getting an
overhaul in Gtk2.0, so that change may need to wait until then.

I find dialogs with more than one tab layer disconcerting to use, and I
think tab lists with little arrows on the end to get to other, hidden
tabs (because they don't all fit) are a nusiance.

Top-tabbing is just bad, for the above reasons.  Left-tabbing is better,
but will eventually need to be replaced by a tree.  Which should be easy.

I won't paint you into any corners, Lars.  I'm just saying that until Dia
1.0, I wouldn't fret about changes in the organization and appearance of
the preferences dialog.  

Indeed.  And since 1.0 will (as it looks right now) use Gtk2.0, we should
consider the possibilities there before settling on a format.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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