Re: What's the prerenderer do?

On Tue, 05 Mar 2002, Akira TAGOH wrote:
On 04 Mar 2002 16:07:30 -0600,
"LC" == Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu> wrote:

LC> The embedded font is Nimbus-Roman, so on my system, which doesn't
LC> have KochiMincho installed, that file doesn't display correctly.  Can
LC> you, using the newest CVS version of Dia, get portable Japanese PS
LC> files?

Hmm, ok. well, CVS dia works fine when I chose correct font
only. if not so, dia show the empty square. exporting png
also works. but it seems that ghostscript can't parse PS and

I see why, that is a totally binary font, not just the normal Type1
binary.  Can you send me the diagram you made and a pointer to the font?
(I don't know how to do Japanese input).

LC> I see now that I can't, not quite.  In the Red Book, page 773, it
LC> says

LC>     While there is not a standard set of fonts that is required by
LC>     the PostScript language, most PostScript products include
LC>     software for 13 standard fonts from the Times, Helvetica, Courier
LC>     and Symbol families.

LC> Are you saying that most Japanese and Chinese printers (that
LC> understand PostScript) don't have these?  I'm saying that if we can
LC> assume any default fonts, these are them, since they're actually
LC> listed in the PS reference book.

No, I should said 'locale-specific font'. and if we use
downloaded font for those languages and we will implement
the feature which can print out without choosing
locale-specific font like abiword (of course using
downloaded font is different from abiword), can we use those
fonts without download if we use compound font?

I'm not sure I get what you're saying here.  Locale-specific fonts would
always have to be embedded, but we can have documents that use both
local embedded and non-embedded PS standard (13 latin-1) fonts.  Not sure
what you mean by 'compound font'.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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