XML file format - Linux vs Windows

Hi all,
Should I expect the (uncompressed) XML file from Dia to be the same on
Linux versus Windows?  (It doesn't seem to be... :-(

We're using Dia on multiple platforms (Instead of Visio! ;-), and we maintain
the XML save files as uncompressed ASCII in a CVS repository.  Aside from
some dos/unix newline problems, this has worked out well to date (0.88.1).

However, some of my Windows developers have tried upgrading to the newest
version of Dia (0.90).  With this new version, the XML file is dramatically
different(*) from previous versions, and from 0.90 on Linux.

[ (*) By different, I mean whitespace, etc.  The files still work correctly ]

All this whitespace difference kindof defeats the purpose of being able to
store incremental changes in CVS  :-(

So, I guess my question is - Is it a goal of Dia to have the same XML file
irregardless of platform?  (If it's not, *could* it be - Please?)
Is this perhaps just something different between the builds that could be
configured, or is it a more fundamental problem?

Thanks for any info, and keep up the great work!  (Great program!)

[ Please CC me if possible... ]

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