Re: dia 0.90: printing Japanese using --enable-freetype ?

On Wed, 05 Jun 2002 19:02:42 +0200,
"MF" == Mike Fabian <mfabian suse de> wrote:
MF> Here I attach my current tentative patch against dia-0.90.
On Wed, 05 Jun 2002 19:02:42 +0200,
"MF" == Mike Fabian <mfabian suse de> wrote:
MF> diff -ru dia-0.90/app/render_eps.c
MF> --- dia-0.90/app/render_eps.c       Tue May  7 22:52:58 2002
MF> +++   Mon Jun  3 12:45:23 2002
MF> @@ -499,7 +499,12 @@
MF>    /* Don't reencode the Symbol font, as it doesn't work in latin1 encoding.
MF>     * Instead, just define Symbol-latin1 to be the same as Symbol. */
MF> -  if (!strcmp(fontname, "Symbol"))
MF> +  /* Don't do that for the Dingbats and the Japanese fonts either! */
MF> +  /* Sat Mar  2 02:08:34 2002  Mike Fabian  <mfabian suse de> */
MF> +  if (strcasestr(fontname, "Symbol") ||
MF> +      strcasestr(fontname, "Dingbats") ||
MF> +      strcasestr(fontname, "Ryumin") ||
MF> +      strcasestr(fontname, "GothicBBB"))
MF>      fprintf(file,
MF>         "/%s-latin1\n"
MF>         "    /%s findfont\n"

I'm sure it's l10n, not i18n. but I have no idea to fix this

MF>    { "GothicBBB-Medium",
MF> -   "GothicBBB-Medium",
MF> -   { "-*-gothic-medium-r-normal-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
MF> -     NULL
MF> -   }
MF> +    "GothicBBB-Medium-EUC-H",
MF> +    { "-kochi-gothic-medium-r-normal-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
MF> +      NULL,
MF> +      NULL
MF> +    },
MF> +    "Kochi Gothic", "Regular"
MF>    },

No, this is wrong. if dia supports the vertical writing, do
you intend to add -EUC-V entry too? and that patch is
meaningless because right now correctly PostScript dia
outputs doesn't depend on Ghostscript.

MF>    { "Ryumin-Light",
MF> -   "Ryumin-Light",
MF> -   { "-*-mincho-medium-r-normal-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
MF> -     NULL
MF> -   }
MF> +    "Ryumin-Light-EUC-H",
MF> +    { "-kochi-mincho-medium-r-normal-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
MF> +      NULL,
MF> +      NULL
MF> +    },
MF> +    "Kochi Mincho", "Regular"
MF>    },


MF> @@ -503,8 +576,10 @@
MF>      bufsize = strlen(x11_font)+6;  /* Should be enought*/
MF>      buffer = (char *)g_malloc(bufsize);
MF>      g_snprintf(buffer, bufsize, x11_font, 100);
MF> -    
MF> -    gdk_font = gdk_font_load(buffer);
MF> +
MF> +    gdk_font = gdk_fontset_load (buffer);
MF> +    if (!gdk_font) gdk_font = gdk_font_load(buffer);
MF> +  
MF>      if (gdk_font!=NULL) {
font-> fontname_x11 = x11_font;
MF>      }
MF> @@ -521,7 +596,9 @@
MF>        buffer = (char *)g_malloc(bufsize);
MF>        g_snprintf(buffer, bufsize, x11_font, 100);
MF> -      gdk_font = gdk_font_load(buffer);
MF> +      gdk_font = gdk_fontset_load(buffer);      
MF> +      if (!gdk_font) gdk_font = gdk_font_load(buffer);
MF> +
MF>        g_free(buffer);
MF>        if (gdk_font!=NULL) {
MF>     message_warning(_("Warning no X Font for %s found, \nusing %s instead.\n"), font->, 

those codes shouldn't be needed because those
gdk_font_load() is just used for checking existence of
fonts. it's not related for displaying and printing.
Did you see any problem? original codes works for me though.

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at gclab org : tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh debian org   / Debian Project

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