Re: UML and Fonts when changing monitor resolution

On Wednesday, 23 January, 2002 17:24, Cameron S. Watters
<cam-listsubs h2os org> wrote:
BAH> To solve the problem of lines ending up "disconnected", perhaps you
can use
BAH> the same workaround that I outlined in an answer on 2002-01-21 to
BAH> eg_lwkae stu ust hk in the thread "Predict the size of a UML class".
BAH> Not a perfect solution, but it works reasonably well...

I saw that. This is the lesser of my two problems as Dia seems to do what
you describe pretty well if I make sure the lines actually attach to the
connection points of the various objects. The only problem is that when
switching between resolutions, some objects have to be moved slightly in
order for the connection lines to remain straight (i'm anal ok?).

Hmmm... let me see if I got this one straight <g>.
You want to have the lines sorta "connected" to the objects, yet don't want
to actually connect them (à la "red handle"), because that makes the lines
not 100 % vertical/horizontal in some cases?

In that case, what about using zig-zag lines?
(It's what I do at least...)

BAH> What about scaling the entire diagram down to a lower factor? This
BAH> cause smaller fonts to be selected as well.

My document was built scaled down to 25. Also, changing the scale doesn't
seem to do anything for me on screen WRT font size. It just makes the page
borders on the background move.


Or just tell me to bug off if this question is beyond the scope of the

I think we should have plenty of room here for your questions... and it's
valuable feedback after all!


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