PATCH: Struggling with CVS version of dia

This fixes the segfault encountered in thread "Struggling with
CVS version of dia" when compiled without Gnome support.

--- app/menus.c.dist    Wed Jan 16 16:26:04 2002
+++ app/menus.c Wed Jan 16 18:15:35 2002
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
   {N_("/File/_Quit"),          "<control>Q", file_quit_callback,        0 },
   {N_("/_Help"),               NULL,         NULL,       0,    "<Branch>" },
   {   "/Help/tearoff",         NULL,         NULL,       0,   "<Tearoff>" },
-  {N_("/Help/_Manual"),        GDK_F1,         help_manual_callback,      0 },
+  {N_("/Help/_Manual"),        "F1",         help_manual_callback,      0 },
   {N_("/Help/---"),            NULL,         NULL,       0, "<Separator>" },
   {N_("/Help/_About"),         NULL,         help_about_callback,       0 },

Greetings, diamasters.  I notice that "File | Open Recent"
does not appear to be implemented for Gnome.  Is this a
task worth working on, or are there better priorities?

 - michael -

M.C. Nelson
mcn at users sourceforge net
GnuPG Key 0x70324144 on

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