Re: Struggling with CVS version of dia

Le ven, jan 04, 2002, à 10:21:11 -0500, Martin Cracauer a écrit:

Patch welcome.

Appended.  CC'ed to you in case the list cuts the attachment.

didn't find it (not on the list, not in private).

After patching these things I run into a segfault.  Backtrace follows,
note the bad address for the accelerator.  Does this look familiar to

How do you run into this segfault (just running the program ?).

Yes, just calling with no commandlines and from an empty ~/.dia


Unfortunately, no, this doesn't look familiar to me. 

Could you please give me the version numbers you have for the tools
listed below?

gtk-config: 1.2.10
glib-config: 1.2.10
autoconf: autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.52
2.52 and 2.13 (using 2.52)
automake: automake (GNU automake) 1.5
libtool: (GNU libtool) 1.4.2 (1.922.2.53 2001/09/11
gcc: 2.95.2
i686 Linux 2.4.6
k7 Linux 2.4.17-pre2

Do you have any GNOME stuff enabled ? I run with GNOME support, and menus is
a notable place of difference. Anyway, this works for me.
My cfgdia is the following:

muscat% cat =cfgdia
ACFLAVOUR=2.50 CFLAGS="-g -O2" ./ --enable-gnome --disable-gnome-print --prefix=/usr $*

Just out of curiosity, what kind of plug-in are you developing ?

NATO APP-6 military symbols.  The guys are using MS word with symbols
as Truetype fonts right now, making diagrams with spacebar
positioning.  That can't be it I guess :-)

Sure... Is it in any way related to the MSE page ? (besides NATO of course)
as for diagram horror stories, I've had colleagues who were doing not only 
GRAFCET charts using Excel (with macros converted from older Multiplan
macros), but also using Excel as a complete pagemaker-like suite (yukk!)

What is the current state of dia on Win32, BTW.  Is there any person
using it regularily?

A remote colleague of mine discovered it recently and found it very nice,
but I don't know whether he uses it that much. That's the usual reaction
I've got when I've shown it to people. I guess the new GDI printing code
will help a lot towards its acceptance (I guess it'll really take OLE2
server capacity to score, but don't quote me as talking about OLE2 and dia
on the same message).

        -- Cyrille


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