Fwd: Intent on compiling DIA with gnu tools

This is what I intend on doing.

--- James Michael DuPont <mdupont777 yahoo com> wrote:
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:36:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: James Michael DuPont <mdupont777 yahoo com>
Subject: Intent on compiling DIA with gnu tools
To: gnuwin32-devel lists sourceforge net

Dear friends,
I am trying to get the tools that are needed to
compile gnome dia. 

The current port is almost impossible to compile, 
and I would like to use the mingw compiler chain to do this.

I have installed ming, and msys.

The packages that I want to compile are : 
 * libiconv-1.7
 * gettext-0.10.40 

Now the tricky bits might be :
 * gtk+-1.3.0
 * glib-2.0.4

Well, that is the plan, here are the problems : 

1. When compiling libiconv, it wants to run ranlib on nothing!
  I had to ignore that error, cannot figure it out.
  /usr/bin/install.exe -cpD -m 644 .libs/libcharset.a
  ranlib c:/progra

2. when compiling gettext, The makefile.sed is broken, i have to go
back to the cygwin sed.

I was wondering how you build these packages, 
and if there is any way for me to build them? What tools do I need to
install? can you help?



James Michael DuPont

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