Re: How to add meta information, or to easy find objects in the xml file?

 On Thu. 15/08/02,  Gunther Laure wrote:


First of all: I love dia! ;-)

My problem is this: 
I want to draw a schematic-"template" in dia. Using xslt I want to 
draw specifyable zig-zag lines with more or less width. This would be 
easy, if I could add something like an id or name to a object (in 
properties), which could be in the xml file like this: 

- <dia:object type="Standard - ZigZagLine" version="0" id="O11">
 <dia:attribute user_defined_name="my-extremly-special-line">

- <dia:attribute name="obj_pos">


Anyone a idea?

Perhaps you can mark  all the ZigZagLines you are interested into,  
and form with them a group. Groups are easily identified in the file.
You change anything you want in the file, and back in Dia you break 
the group. 
(When several objects are grouped, I think you can change some common 
properties for all of them; but can't do any special thing to just one 
of the objects of the group)

email:  loli unsa edu ar
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