Re: Good job guys!!

On Thu, 15 Aug 2002 09:41:17 -0500
Eddie Bush <ekbush swbell net> wrote:

I don't 
understand the scale of things, but I don't ever print diagrams anyhow -
just build them for their thought-provokingness - so I honestly don't 
care much about sizes.
I know, I snipped the parts where he says: "Dia is great!" (I certainly
agree with the sentiment, and I bet most here do...) -- but he's got a
point in this "I misunderstand scaling" sentence here. The default size at
least for UML diagramming (and I assume everything else) is that about
four objects can fit on a single A4-size piece of paper, maybe 8 if you
cram them.

Objects seem a bit... LARGE.

I scale all my diagrams down to about 18-30% size, which seems a little
more sane. Is there a rationale for the current default scaling? Am I &
Eddie the only two that think it might be tweaked?

Tim Ellis
Senior Database Architect
Gamet, Inc.

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