Incorrect dia.spec file in 0.88.1


I dowloaded dia-0.88.1.tar.gz, intending to do

rpm -ta dia-0.88.1.tar.gz

but I it gave me an error message

could not open file dia-0.88.tar.gz

It turns out that the version macro is incorrectly set to 0.88 in the spec 
file. Changing this to 0.88.1 fixed the problem.

Thanks for writing Dia - I'm using it for diagrams in my thesis.


Ben Stanley               |    barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN,
PhD Student               |       and everybody barfed." - From the 
SITACS                    |       DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second Edition)
University of Wollongong  |       
Australia                 |

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