Re: Diagram tree window - patch (Was: Re: xml-i18n and a new feature)

Le mer, oct 31, 2001, à 01:18:43 +0100, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz a écrit:

the attached patch (to be applied to the current CVS tree) implements
the diagram window idea i mentioned a few days ago:

unfortunately, it lacks diagtree.h, which makes it uncompilable.

I'm going to whine a little over form, but this is really because I can't
whine over the rest:

        * there are a few changes of blank lines (some appear, some
disappear). It would be nice if the patch didn't include these.

        * GPL copyright header in the new files is OK ; however, there are
not-totally-trivial modifications to other files. To the letter compliance
means adding a modification notice to each file, but of course practice just
asks for a ChangeLog entry (mentioning all places you touched).

        * there is no character-level handling, thus I think it's UTF-8
        * I see nothing which could prevent that code from running on
Win32, but I'm no Win32-gtk expert. Hans ?
        * this stuff looks really cool, I'm impatient to try it out.

        -- Cyrille


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