RE: Newbie: Lost my fit-to-page lines??


So I grabbed dia-CVS-20011015-0723.tar.gz (from the url you gave me)
which I presume is 10/15's cvs snapshot, correct? When I tar xzvf'ed it.
It unrolled everything and I noticed two dangling links:

py-compile ->/usr/share/automake/py-compile


depcomp -> /usr/share/automake/depcomp

The build didn't work because of the  missing depcomp - no surprises

I don't do alot of compiling on this box, just stuff like ALSA and gaim;
but am I supposed to have these things?  If so, where do I get them?
Also, ./configure mentioned something about unicode support - which I
prefer.  Where do i get the needed libs for this.

Thanks for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From:   Young, Robert
Sent:   Tue 10/16/2001 8:21 PM
To:     'dia-list gnome org'
Subject:        RE: Newbie:  Lost my fit-to-page lines?? 
Fred Welland [mailto:fwelland intelixinc com] wrote

In efforts to completely switch to Linux, I am giving dia a 
try.  I have
made a couple of diagrams and I wish to print them. The first 
few drafts
printed OK (directly printing to lpr).  But after a few open/close
operations on the dia files (you know, making some small edits after
printing), the blue print guidelines dissappeared and 
printing no loger
works (looks like I get a ps error from the printer).  I have scaling
set to 1x1 pages.

It appears that if I start a brand new document, I get the printing
guides back, and I think printing will be OK.  (BTW: I thought I could
copy and paste the objects from one dia doc to another - that doesn't

My Env is:  RH 7.0; Xmian Gnome 1.2; dia 0.88.1 (Toshiba 
tecra 8100); .
My printer is a lexmark something other that works fine from 
other apps
(mozilla, AbiWord, gnumeric).

Are you able to try the latest CVS version? If you can't access the CVS
download the latest snapshot from

A lot has happened since 0.88.1 and I am confident this should allow you
print - in 0.88.1 some objects were getting erroneous bounding boxes and
lots of things got stuffed up.

If this doesn't help, or if you are unable to get a CVS copy or snapshot
compile, please let us know.

Thank you for trying dia!

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