Newbie: Lost my fit-to-page lines??


In efforts to completely switch to Linux, I am giving dia a try.  I have
made a couple of diagrams and I wish to print them. The first few drafts
printed OK (directly printing to lpr).  But after a few open/close
operations on the dia files (you know, making some small edits after
printing), the blue print guidelines dissappeared and printing no loger
works (looks like I get a ps error from the printer).  I have scaling
set to 1x1 pages.

It appears that if I start a brand new document, I get the printing
guides back, and I think printing will be OK.  (BTW: I thought I could
copy and paste the objects from one dia doc to another - that doesn't

My Env is:  RH 7.0; Xmian Gnome 1.2; dia 0.88.1 (Toshiba tecra 8100); .
My printer is a lexmark something other that works fine from other apps
(mozilla, AbiWord, gnumeric).

Any help would be great - I wouldn't mind sticking with dia rather than
back to visio..


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