Re: PS tricks & dia export


I don't know how to fix this but I am using teTeX with pstricks as ships
with Red Hat 7.1 and find that when I export all labels appear shifted
to the left. Also, the diagram seems to end up having extra white space
on the left which makes it impossible to center the pstricks image.
I am running dia-0.86-4. I run the pstricks output by \including{} it
in a latex2e file and uncommenting the following three lines (because if
I don't then it doesn't work):


The PSTricks that comes with teTeX is from May 3, 1999 as the file
/usr/share/texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/VERSIONS shows. Is this old?
As it turns out as of today the latest version on CTAN is dated
(February 21, 2001). Perhaps I will notify the teTeX maintainer
with a request to update the package in the distro and upgrade
pstricks on my own box and see what happens.



On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Oleg Mürk wrote:


 I have a problem :)

 When exporting dia diagram to PSTricks, all labels (text)
 are drawn at the wrong place. I have investigated a bit
 and here are my conclusions:

   dia exports diagrams in the following form:
              \scalebox{1 -1}{
                      \rput(5,-5){\scalebox{1 -1}{Blaaaaaaah}}
   This is perfectly correct code, but it seems that
   PSTricks has a bug: \scalebox is not applied to
   \rput (at least with my MikTex and PSTricks from CTAN).
   As a result text is drawn at the wrong place.

 I understand that the right place to go to is to the
 maintainers of PSTricks, but if I understand correctly,
 nobody deals with it at the current time. So my proposal
 would be to to get rid of \scalebox{1,-1} transoformations
 and make them on the fly - just multiply $y$ by $-1$ - this
 is what I do currently by hand...

 There is one more problem :) Lines of width 0 become
 very thick when exported to EPS. For this reason such EPS
 becomes pretty useless...

 My environment:
      Ms Windows 2000 SP 2
      Yapp 0.98n
      Latest PSTricks from CTAN
      Dia 0.88.2 <-

 With best wishes, Oleg Mürk
 olegm ut ee

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