PS tricks & dia export


 I have a problem :)

 When exporting dia diagram to PSTricks, all labels (text)
 are drawn at the wrong place. I have investigated a bit
 and here are my conclusions:

   dia exports diagrams in the following form:
                \scalebox{1 -1}{
                        \rput(5,-5){\scalebox{1 -1}{Blaaaaaaah}}
   This is perfectly correct code, but it seems that
   PSTricks has a bug: \scalebox is not applied to
   \rput (at least with my MikTex and PSTricks from CTAN).
   As a result text is drawn at the wrong place.

 I understand that the right place to go to is to the
 maintainers of PSTricks, but if I understand correctly,
 nobody deals with it at the current time. So my proposal
 would be to to get rid of \scalebox{1,-1} transoformations
 and make them on the fly - just multiply $y$ by $-1$ - this
 is what I do currently by hand...

 There is one more problem :) Lines of width 0 become
 very thick when exported to EPS. For this reason such EPS
 becomes pretty useless...

 My environment:
        Ms Windows 2000 SP 2
        Yapp 0.98n
        Latest PSTricks from CTAN
        Dia 0.88.2 <-

 With best wishes, Oleg Mürk
 olegm ut ee

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