Re: Chapin Charts with Dia?

According to Andre Kloss <kloss rbg informatik tu-darmstadt de>:
On Mon, 28 May 2001, Jamin Collins wrote:

Does anyone know if there are Chapin Chart symbols for Dia?  A good example
of chapin charts, for those that may not be familiar with them, can be found
at  Or perhaps someone here knows
of another tool for creating these charts?
Jamin W. Collins

Well... not yet. But I'll need to implement this feature as part of my
diploma thesis (and why not implement it into the chart editor of
choice ;). I have already had a glance at the code, but have not found
yet a point to start.

Anybody? Help? ;)

Well. objects are defined in the objects directory. They a categorized
by sheet. So UML objects are in objects/UML, network objects are in
objects/network, and so on. So you'll have to create a subdir (like
objects/chaplin for example). As for the objects, I think that you
should take the generic objects / shapes approach: create a generic
Chaplin object then make shapes for each different objects.

For the drawing it may be a little bit more difficult has you'll have to
implement a layout code that work shape-to-shape. Seriously I don't
know if it hard to do or not.

That is all I can say.


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