Re: Does Dia support Solaris 2.6

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 dia-list-request gnome org wrote:
From: "Andrew S . Halper" <ashalper usgs gov>
Subject: Re: Does Dia support Solaris 2.6?

I am interested in a Solaris port too, and ran into the same problem.  Does the
dependency on glibc mean Dia can only be ported to these platforms:

or is there some Autoconf trick to tell the make to use the Solaris C library

Dia 0.88.1 works perfectly on my Ultra5 running Solaris 8.  I'm compiling
with gcc 2.95.2 / GNU make 3.78.1.  A simple ./configure; gmake built dia
without errors.

If I recall, GDK-Pixbuf was a pain to install, but if you've successfully
installed all of the required libraries then you should be fine.

Phil Winans
pawinan ilstu edu

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