visio xml format spec...

just for the 2002 version, haven't checked it out yet... usual disclaimers
and stuff... might be interesting though...


m mawi org

XML for Visio Schema & Specifications 
This schema and specification describes a new file format for native data in
Visio 2002. This new format, XML for Visio, is based on XML (Extensible
Markup Language) syntax, is capable of describing Visio data with as much
fidelity as VSD format, and provides an open exchange of Visio data with
other XML-enabled applications. 

The download includes a description of the XML for Visio file format,
including a full tag reference. 

This download, dated March 17, is provided as preliminary reference only and
is subject to change. This material is intended only to enable prototyping
and not for production use

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