Arrow head gone mad with dia 0.88.1

Hi there,
In our project we have got a couple of simple UML class diagrams drawn with a
previous version of Dia (0.83 initially, then ported to 0.86) When trying to
load these files in Dia 0.88.1, most of the dependencies seem to have become
disconnected from the classes they connect.  Trying to move one of the classes
seems to fix this: all of its dependencies all of a sudden snap in place. 

However, there still remains a problem with arrowheads.  I'm attaching a
JPEG image to show the problem as well as the corresponding .dia file.

Moving the line between the classes will cause the arrowhead to point either
up or down, but it consistently refuses to point in the only reasonable 
direction. Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug?  On this list 
I have not seen any other people complaining about this since the release
of 0.88.1

Campo Weijerman <campo raleigh ibm com>

Attachment: mad-arrow.dia
Description: Text document

Attachment: mad-arrow.jpeg
Description: JPEG image

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