Re: UrShape: Definition by controversy, CVS ready

Hi again.

First let me put the most important issues and facts together:
* You have CVS access at
* The UrShapeBehaviour is still undefined.
* In what order do we traverse the tree? Remember we have two axes: Up
(Parent), Down (First Child), Left (Older brother), Right (Next
younger brother). I would think Pre-order, left to right should do
what we want most of all cases.

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, John Palmieri wrote:

I was just being morbidly funny.  Parent was taken so inherited or
superclass would be best.
Ok, my vote for s/deceased_rich_uncle/inherited/g; What about multiple
inheritance? ;)

[Everything is a UrShape]: I juggled the thought around in my mind,
and I think it speaks against my (computer-science-trained) intuition.
A UrContianer IS a UrShape? Really really?

[Free-typed Hash]
Ok, this sounds good.  I would think that the dynamic behavior
would know what type the attribute is.  Do we want a type checking
Why do we want a hash? For fast access? Do we really need fast access
to information we will only use in dynamically loaded functions? Since
all hard-coded stuff can go into a struct.

I guess we could add a way for accessing type information but make
it so you can access the data raw from the hash if speed is a
Well, we could add some 
struct { enum { .. } type; union { .. } value } foo; Then we had
type-checking in its pure form.

typedef gint (*node_proc)(UrShape*); /*function that takes UrShape *
        as an argument should return 1 to continue and 0 to stop
        *** Is this for the end nodes? *** */

No, it is for event propagation.  If one UrShape captures a
mouse_down event you don't want it propagating to other shapes.  
This way the generic function for_each_back can be set up to
propagate events, once an event is captured the passed in node
processing function tells ur_foreach_back to stop stepping through
the tree.
I disagree on this point. We know all event-like function calls at
compile time. All calls will be propagated "from father to son". In
this way, every UrShape can decide for itself whether to block such a
call or not. There's no need for a generic "blocker" function, since
the forall (tree-running) functions will traverse the whole tree

  char *id; /*should we use GTK+ strings?
              Every node can have a hash ID
              for use with scripting*/
  /*** Is this id unique? Or more like a class name? ***/
Yes it should be unique but this is defined by the creator of the object
<textbox id="UMLClassName"></textbox>
Do you mean unique like in "unique class of objects" or like in
"Highlander"? I would prefer the former.

If it is not unique then that is the shape creators fault and
should throw up an error. We need name spaces here to deal with
shapes created with in dia from other shapes but again that is the
scripting phase.
Ok, far away on our to-do-list.

/*  int row,column;  For all but SINGLE, it'll be nice to know in what
                     row/column the UrShape is embedded.
                     *J5* shouldn't this be queried
                     (parent->getRow(self)) instead of
                     holding it itself? */
  /*** Agreed. But where is it stored? ***/
Stored in the container.  The container needs to know what row and
column the widget is in to do layout so it has to store it
somewhere (even if it has to count by doing a search of the list
this is Ok because a function will do this very infrequently and
store the results locally for processing).

peer is the left side of the binary tree while child is the right.
That is somewhat misleading.
Self I guess is redundant since the behaviors can't work without
first passing in a pointer to the structure.  Ah lovely C OO
Yes, self is redundant, we can skip it. Just think "func(foo, ...);"
as foo->func(...); And if you really want it: #define foo->self foo ;)

  GList *children;
                     /*** Well, what about HBOX, VBOX, TABLE?
                        Ok, maybe we would go better to define some more
                        structure that would hold things like
                        (position/order)? ***/

You just follow the peer pointers.  Well, lists work I just don't like
having to deference them.
So far so good, if you insist 
on implementing Just Another List... Hey, that rhymes!

With peer pointers (and I just realized we would have to have a
pre_peer and post_peer for moving up and down a peer list) every
node is the same. You can pass any node to a function and start
traversing from there. With a list you would have to jump up to
the parent, find out where in the list the node is located and
then start processing from there.
That leads to the questions in what order do you want to traverse the

  GList *rows;          /* The left border of rows */
  GList *columns;       /* The upper border of columns */
  /*** This could go into some HBOX/etc. struct, too? ***/

Yes, hmmm I wanted to avoid separate classes for each of the
containers but I guess we would have to do it.  Let's implement
one container for now and see how it goes.
Ok, with me. Let's start with the SINGLE container.

My sourceforge id is quinticent.
Ok, I gave you developer access at

cu Andre
Tolerance rulez, everything else sux! -- Andre Kloss

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