Re: gnome guidelines and keybindings [Fwd: more keybindings]

I use Ctrl+A for "View/Show All" all the time.  Many graphics applications use the same short cut, regardless 
of what the Gnome or Windows interface guidelines say.  "Select All" is an uncommon operation in Dia and 
similar applications.  I think this is a case of "rules are made to be broken."

If you do take Ctrl+A away, you'd better given me an equally efficient and logical short cut for "View All".

Rob Campbell
rob campbell visto com
rob campbell att net

-----Original Message-----
From:    Cyrille Chepelov cyrille chepelov org
Sent:    Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:11:11 +0100
To:      dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: gnome guidelines and keybindings [Fwd: more keybindings]

Le mer, déc 12, 2001, à 04:53:42 +0000, Alan Horkan a écrit:

i was considering adding more keybindings (ive checked them against the 
gnome *draft* guidelines) but when i checked against CVS i realised some of 
them were already taken. 

Select All     Ctrl+A 
 shit, already used by View/Show All, which also scuppers the next 
 shortcut.  Select None    Ctrl+Shift+A 

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