stuck pointer in dia-88.1 under wmaker


First, I enjoy dia very much. Thanks to all who work on this great program!

I have an annoying situation that perhaps someone can comment on: when
editing diagrams, I can (possibly through clicking or double-clicking
an element to select it) get into an odd condition where:

- the appearance is that dia "hogs" the mouse pointer, not letting any 
  other X app get control; I can move the mouse, but all selections/
  button presses are ignored.  dia itself does not allow selections of 
  other elements, or of tools, etc.

  Always a dia object is shown as selected.

- if the dia object has a text property, any text I type is inserted
  as text in the object. This text is updated dynamically, just as if
  the operation were normal. In fact the appearance is as if I am just
  stuck in "text input" mode, to the exclusion of all other activity.

- ESC, CTL-D, CTL-C, etc. are ineffective in altering the situation.

- the only way I've found to remedy the condition is to switch to 
  a text console, log in, and kill dia (of course losing any recent

- this behaviour happens very often (every couple of minutes or
  so) as I edit, and seems to happen more when I am not ultra-methodical 
  about my keyboard and mouse operation. 
- I've had this behaviour for a long time (I dunno exactly how long,
  but several months I guess)

- I haven't tried to repeat the problem under another window manager
  (like enlightenment, for example).

- this behaviour does not exist at all in other X apps I use.

My system:
- debian linux 2.4.9 (generally, the unstable debian distribution with 
  my own kernel)
- xfree86 4.1.0-2
- windowmaker window manager 0.65.1-1
- dia 0.88.1-1 (tried both debian package, and self-compiled from 
  8/15/01 CVS snapshot, with identical results).

Do you have any thoughts on what/where the problem is?  Do you think
this a problem with dia, with X, with gpm, with wmaker, with ...?  Has
this problem been seen before?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Otto Sievert

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