Re: RE: StdProp overhaul, take 2

G'Day Cyrille,

Thanks - looks OK. Here are a couple of issues you may want to address. If
you want me to file them as bugs, please let me know.

To get a successful compile I had to fix:

lib/font.c:71 changing fprintf(...) to fprintf(FMT...) as the version of gcc
I have didn't like the former.

unknown function g_critical. Given that it appeared to be sort of debug
output I #defined g_critical out (like you'd done with the above). Is this a
new GLib or something function? Is there a newer GLib version dependancy??

po/zh_TW.Big5.po caused 7 illegal control sequences errors. I removed it
from my Makefile as it looked unimportant for me.

Once it was running, I played around. The diagram of my wifes which caused
0.88.1 to stuff up the bounding boxes now works perfectly. It prints
correctly, loads with the correct extents etc etc etc. This is great!

Further testing found the following :

Core dump after copying and pasting a flowchart object with text in it (test
file not required - just create flowchart box, type some text, copy (CTRL-C)
then paste (CTRL-V) - core dump happens). gdb gave me this from a gdb
./app/dia -core core
#0  0x808a7d0 in font_get_cache (font=0x8064e98, height=0) at font.c:912
912       } else if (font->cache[index]->height != height) {

This doesn't happen in 0.88.1

Hope this is of assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cyrille Chepelov [mailto:chepelov calixo net]
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2001 4:08
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: RE: StdProp overhaul, take 2

Le lun, aoû 13, 2001, à 05:52:58 +0930, Young, Robert a écrit:

If you could make a tar ball of the latest CVS source and 
put it on an
ftp/http site, I'd be able to give it a thrashing - I'd use 
the CVS but we
have a serious firewall which I am not allowed to bypass.

I'm also interested in the bounding box problem and whether 
it has been
fixed - my wife has a large diagram which currently has the 
problems shown
in  and I'm 
interested in
seeing whether the bug still exists in the current CVS version.

Aaah, a tester :-) Exceptionally, I've made a tarball of a 
snapshot (don't
run ./, in

There will be a second one probably tomorrow, after I finally 
integrate the
libxml2-in-libxml1 stuff (I'm a bit late. "QA" :-) )

Have fun.

      -- Cyrille

Nicholas: I've CC'ed you, if you have time to test this as well... 


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