Re: StdProp overhaul, take 2

Le lun, aoû 13, 2001, à 10:23:45 -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:

Cyrille, with the StdProp overhaul, how difficult would it be to add units
to the various inputs.  I'm thinking we could add two properties (kind of
sub-properties of PROP_TYPE_INT), one for general units, one for font
units.  The widgets for these could show the unit, the actual unit should
be settable in the diagram properties.  How does that sound?

It depends. If the difference between property types is strictly cosmetic,
it's really trivial: have a look at the differences between
PROP_TYPE_STRING and MULTISTRING in lib/prop_text.c (basically, 
fooprop_get_widget() is the only difference). If you need more fancy stuff
(like unit conversion to the right format), then upgrade the difficulty from
"trivial" to "easy": you need to override fooprop_reset_widget() and
fooprop_set_from_widget(), like the difference between _STRING and _FILE
(same place). Remember that the _STRING property is currently polluted by
the UTF-8 transition garbage, so the code is actually much more trivial. 

Don't forget to register the new property type (using prop_type_register)
(I'm sorry, but I've pushed the ELF linker a bit too far, and couldn't avoid
this. Good news is that MSVC shouldn't complain).

Where to place these new property types ? If it's of general use, next to
the derived property: everything stays static. If it's more specific,
declare the derived property's methods extern, and do it in the specific
object library (in your case I think it's going to be general, so that'll go 
in either lib/prop_inttypes.c or lib/prop_geomtypes.c, but this post'll
serve as an excuse for documentation for the time being)

Isn't the font size a float currently ? You may want to do these
widgets-with-unit-specification PROP_TYPE_REAL derivatives instead... It
would be nice if the unit spec was persistent, so you'll also want to
override fooprop_load() and fooprop_save(), and fooprop_{set|get}_from_offsets() 
(maybe using the offset2 field). [Of course, all of these must be made clever
enough about their defaults to support upgrading an object which used plain
Hmmm... That doesn't leave much in common with  the original _REAL property... 
No problem, you just have seen property mitosis :-) 

        -- Cyrille


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