Re: RE: StdProp overhaul, take 2

Le lun, aoû 13, 2001, à 05:52:58 +0930, Young, Robert a écrit:

If you could make a tar ball of the latest CVS source and put it on an
ftp/http site, I'd be able to give it a thrashing - I'd use the CVS but we
have a serious firewall which I am not allowed to bypass.

I'm also interested in the bounding box problem and whether it has been
fixed - my wife has a large diagram which currently has the problems shown
in  and I'm interested in
seeing whether the bug still exists in the current CVS version.

Aaah, a tester :-) Exceptionally, I've made a tarball of a snapshot (don't
run ./, in

There will be a second one probably tomorrow, after I finally integrate the
libxml2-in-libxml1 stuff (I'm a bit late. "QA" :-) )

Have fun.

        -- Cyrille

Nicholas: I've CC'ed you, if you have time to test this as well... 


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