Re: Polygons and rounded corners?

Le mar, aoû 07, 2001, à 12:01:56 +0930, Richard Sharpe a écrit:

Rectangles can have rounded corners, but it seems that polygons can't, 
or have I missed something?

you haven't.

Would it be easy to hack in rounded corners?

It depends on one's geometric skills. Basically, what you need to do is take
the corner_radius-related stuff from stuct _Box, box_props and box_offsets
from objects/standard/box.c, and move them to polygon.c in the relevant
places (including for the moment polygon_load() and polygon_save())
Then you have to fix polygon_draw() for the case when corner_radius > 1e-7.

Don't bother adding corner_radius to the default properties in polygon.c:
I'm going to massively clean that area once I finish rewriting the stdprop

        -- Cyrille


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