introducing myself

Hi all,

I'm a Sugar [0] and GNOME developer and I'm very happy that this
mailing list has been setup, because of the impact that Free Software
can have in developing economies.

Though Sugar is relatively young, we have gotten in South America to a
point where some governments favor those 1-to-1 [1] proposals that
include Sugar, because of its focus on early-childhood learning. Sugar
is seen as less suitable for secondary education and countries such as
Uruguay are adding GNOME for that age range. Also, the last hardware
revision from OLPC ships both Sugar and GNOME from the factory.

Sugar is very closely based on the GNOME platform and we try to do as
much work inside our upstream as possible [2]. Also, Sugar Labs sits
in GNOME Foundation's advisory board.

This proximity in goals and technology makes me believe that by
working together, GNOME and Sugar Labs would give a boost to the
promotion of our software.




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