Modules needing some release love

Le dimanche 21 septembre 2008, à 06:18 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Hi all,
> This is the last few days before the official big .0 release. We just
> need a last small effort from all maintainers. I know, we always ask for
> a small effort here and there and you see no end in this ;-) But,
> really, please release a tarball for 2.24.0, even if you didn't touch
> the code in a while. There are certainly tons of new/updated
> translations waiting to be provided to the whole world!

Here's a list of modules that didn't see a release between 2.22.3 (!)
and 2.23.92:

alacarte                  0.11.5     0.11.5
fast-user-switch-applet   2.22.0     2.22.0
gnome-netstatus           2.12.1     2.12.1
gnome-nettool             2.22.0     2.22.0
gnome-system-tools        2.22.0     2.22.0
gnome-user-docs           2.22.1     2.22.1
gnome-volume-manager      2.22.5     2.22.5
libgail-gnome             1.20.0     1.20.0
libgnomeprint             2.18.4     2.18.4
libgnomeprintui           2.18.2     2.18.2
liboobs                   2.22.0     2.22.0
librsvg                   2.22.2     2.22.2
gnome-python              2.22.1     2.22.1
gnome-vfsmm               2.22.0     2.22.0
libglademm                2.6.6      2.6.6
libgnomemm                2.22.0     2.22.0
libgnomeuimm              2.22.0     2.22.0
libsigc++                 2.2.2      2.2.2
pyorbit                   2.14.3     2.14.3
sabayon                   2.22.0     2.22.0

They don't all require new tarballs (bindings, eg, might have no change
at all), but we should take a look at them.

I'm sure there are people who can help roll tarballs if necessary, so
just ask. Note that I might go ahead and do tarballs on Monday evening
for the (non-bindings) modules that still had no release.


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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