TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.18.0 Beta 1 (2.17.90) Development Release; UI Freeze

Hej hej,

Tarballs are due on Monday January 22th (this monday) before 23:59 UTC
for the GNOME 2.17.90 Development Release, which will be delivered on
Wednesday. If for some reason you are not able to make a tarball before
Monday, please send a mail to the release team: we can find someone to
roll the tarball for you!

With this release, we will enter the UI FREEZE: no UI changes may be
made without approval from the release-team and notification to the GDP.

The modules accepted for inclusion will be announced as soon as
possible (sorry, we're late).

For more information about 2.17, the full schedule, the official module
lists and the proposed module lists, please see our 2.17 page on the

To help write good release notes, please do add major user-visible
changes happening during the 2.17 release cycle to this wiki page:


 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed!
 http://www.iomc.de/  | http://blogs.gnome.org/portal/aklapper

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