Re: [gnome-desktop-testing] Missing path when running ./bin/desktop-testing

On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 19:45 +0200, Javier Collado wrote:

> Probably some other changes are needed for a better buildout integration in
> desktop-testing code such as moving the code under a 'src' directory (this would
> make easier to have bin directory instead of a buildout-bin), but I would say
> that the change could be beneficial for us.

I'd be interested in a change like this as I've been writing some unit
tests using the unittest module to get a better understanding of how
desktop-testing works. I'd normally put the tests in a test directory at
the same level as the src directory to keep them separate, i.e.


I intend to create a branch from:

so I can show want I've been doing. It's early stages at the moment as
there are a few modules I'm unfamiliar with, e.g. xml.dom.minidom.


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