Re: Proposal: Replace all references to master/slave in GNOME modules

On Wed, May 1, 2019, 15:24 Michael Gratton <mike vee net> wrote:
On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 14:32, Ernestas Kulik <ernestask gnome org>
> On Wed, 2019-05-01 at 21:38 +1000, Michael Gratton wrote:
>>  After deliberately setting out to make the project more inclusive,
>>  Python has reversed a five-year-long trend of declining number of
>>  core
>>  devs and it has been increasing ever since. They have for example,
>>  in
>>  the last three years gone from having 0 to 4 women who are core
>> devs.
>>  They have also been successful in getting other projects to use more
>>  inclusive language. For example, MongoDB initially refused to stop
>>  using the term "master", but then relented after Python did so.
>>  could be in a similar position of leadership here, since it's pretty
>>  clear /someone/ needs to be the first to do the right thing to get
>>  others moving as well.
> To make a counterpoint: The GNOME Foundation straight up hired women
> to
> hold positions of leadership, and I don’t remember seeing a big
> effort
> to become inclusive. Rather, there was “just” someone generous
> enough
> to donate big money that allowed to get people onboard and pay them
> for
> their time.

You may have missed then that Outreachy started off as the GNOME
Outreach Program for Women: <> :)

The Impact section there is a particularly good read about the positive
impact of inclusivity programs, in this case, for women.

That is absolutely true, it slipped my mind completely.

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