Re: [GitLab] IMPORTANT: Mass migration plan

Regarding the impersonation, it was me being cautious, I didn't do any consultation or something like that.

My take is that the consequences of X threshold of people complaining about that would be a major issue, including possible requests for deleting all the issues migrated that contain the impersonation, and I don't want to find myself in that situation. If that surprises you, I suggest to take a moment and think again about how many different people our community have :). On the other hand, less legible text of migrated issues doesn't strike me as a major problem.

For practical reason I personally prefer the result of the migration with impersonation too.

Anyway, Philip let's go with impersonation, would you be able to take care of that?

On 21 March 2018 at 21:52, Carlos Soriano <csoriano gnome org> wrote:
Hey Shaun,

It wouldn't be a problem per se, actually we were doing it before. However, if we do that GitLab hooks are not triggered, and we rely on them. So the only way forward is for everyone to start using the new repos.


On 21 March 2018 at 21:44, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
On Tue, 2018-03-20 at 18:01 +0100, Carlos Soriano wrote:
> - Cgit will be phased out and removed by June 1st 2018.

How tremendously difficult would it be to set up 302 redirects so that
links to commits/branches/etc go to the right place in GitLab? I don't
want to add to your workload. You all are already doing incredible work
with a very big job. But it would be kind of nice.


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