Re: Some dudes opinion on Ctrl-Tab

On 9/17/16, Daniel Beecham <daniel lunix se> wrote:
+ All major web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera,
Midori and others) use ctrl-tab to switch tab. Neither <textarea> nor
<input> consumes tab in any of these browsers, it's just used to change

Cool, I never realised because those that I use also allow tab
switching with ctrl+pgup and ctrl+pgdn.


* The argument of obviousness ("don't make me think", or "great design is

Ctrl-tab is such an ubiquitous binding by now, that users just sort of
expect it. I saw a design talk by some designer on google the other day,
and she talked about how they'd just plop a UI in front of people and see
what they'd do - and then make the UI such that those interactions made
sense. Like A/B testing a'la extreme. You want an interface which is
obvious, which makes sense, is intuitive, doesn't get in your way. Those
are the successful interfaces. ctrl-tab is obvious.

Is your point here that people who've never used a computer before
will figure out that ctrl-tab switches tabs without any kind of
instruction, but will not figure out that ctrl-pgup and ctrl-pgdn
switch tabs unless someone tells them? I find that hard to believe
without evidence. Maybe I'm missing your point.


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