Maybe the problem is that developers are not aware of the goals, so they fix their own modules unconsciusly (based on their own criteria) but do not change the module's status in the wiki.
I've been triaging some goals, opening bugs and pinging developers about them, but not always had success. Goals are a nice way to non-developers start helping with GNOME, as they usually are easy to fix, and each goal has (or should have) crear instructions about how to fix the issue, so we should promote this kind of initiatives in mailining lists, instead of moving it in the shadows.
About this, I have a question... existing modules are "easily" tracked, and can check if they fit the goals but, what happens with new modules? When a developer creates a new module, is he/she advised to review and apply the goals? Are we losing control at any momment of this situations? Not only active goals should be applied, but also the closed ones that may apply to a module...