RFC - file chooser dialog API for sandboxed apps

Hello everyone,

I've been working on an API to provide file chooser dialogs to sandboxed apps lately.
This is merely a prototype with some ideas and mockups for extensions, and I'd be
very keen to have feedback -- from GNOME and GTK+ devs but also from app devs. I'm
more interested in your comments on the API itself and the workflow you'd rather
propose to GNOME app devs rather than the implementation (though these are welcome
too if you think the code's unbearably wrong -- still it probably is throwaway).

I've written a blog post [0] explaining why this API, and explaining what differs
from GtkFileChooserDialog and why. My API reference is online at [1] and the code
is on GitHub [2] for the most adventurous.


 [0] http://mupuf.org/blog/2014/05/14/introducing-sandbox-utils-0-6-1/
 [1] http://mupuf.org/project/sandboxutils/doc/unstable/index.html
 [2] https://github.com/Sidnioulz/SandboxUtils​
Steve Dodier-Lazaro
PhD student in Information Security
University College London
Dept. of Computer Science
Malet Place Engineering, 6.07
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
OpenPGP : 1B6B1670

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