Re: Announcement/RFC: jhbuild continuous integration testing -- mystery of recent flood of failures solved

Hello Travis,

Travis Reitter [2013-02-17 22:24 -0800]:
Speaking of test failures - is it possible to get more details? All I
can seem to turn up for the "folks" module test failures are:

"make check failed for folks
Check log file for details"

But I can't seem to find the corresponding log from here:

On the main page, click on folks, which leads you to

There, click on the topmost build in the left column, or use one of
the permalinks like "last build":

There you see the complete log file.

Also, most modules say "1 of 1 tests {failed, succeeded}". I guess this
is a side effect of "make check" being somewhat monolithic. Is there any
way modules can increase the granularity reported for tools like

I think that ought to be possible by integrating gtester-report and
add a new target such as "make check-report" or "make gtester-report"
(I think glib already does that), which we then could call from
jhbuild and (1) export as an artifact, and (2) present as test results
instead of the monolithic pass/fail one.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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