
I'm not sure how I missed this thread..

Regarding maintaining jhbuild  up to gtk+ - I would actually like to see this up to at gnome-shell.  We have a number of people who I have convinced to help volunteer to resolve bugs for GNOME 3.7, but are very frustrated with getting jhbuild to build for them.

We really should make it a goal to get an SDK for our volunteers to help fix issues.

We are considering doing a jhbuild hackfest once a month for volunteers to learn and understand how to build under jhbuild and grow enough builders to make it self sustaining.

But getting a certain set of modules always in buildable state is a great goal and I hope we can do this.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:39 AM, Jean-Baptiste Lallement <jean-baptiste lallement canonical com> wrote:
On 01/16/2013 07:39 AM, Martin Pitt wrote:
Hello Colin,

Hi Martin, Colin,

Colin Walters [2013-01-15 15:34 -0500]:
>On Tue, 2013-01-15 at 11:07 +0100, Martin Pitt wrote:
> >We have experimented with that a bit, by building
> >
> >
>Interesting!  Looks quite useful.  Are you doing anything with
>respect to the "jhbuild sysdeps --install" infrastructure or is
>the system package set maintained manually?
Right now in our Juju charm it's a manual list:

I'm not quite sure why; Jean-Baptiste, did jhbuild sysdeps not work
well enough in principle?

In Quantal, there was missing dependencies, so I went the straightest way and installed them directly. Now that I have a better understanding how jhbuild works that's something I want to reconsider for Raring and avoid maintaining them in 2 different places.

IRC: jibel

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