Re: Correct .doap file syntax for the <name> tag

2013/8/21 Jens Georg <mail jensge org>
On Mi, 2013-08-21 at 00:15 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that many repositories are not using the <name> tag
> correctly into the respective .doap files. The <name> tag should
> possibly match the repository name (i.e gnome-shell.git -->
> gnome-shell, gnome-user-docs.git --> gnome-user-docs) for two main
> reasons:
> 1. everyone is aware of which specific module in git is being used for
> generating a specific release. (the ftpadmin scripts gets <name> for
> generating a mail accordingly to be sent to ftp-release-list, so
> something like "Archive Manager" as <name> won't help finding out
> where that specific release is being maintained at)
> 2. many other scripts are relying on <name> matching the exact
> repository-name.

Is this case-sensitive?

Yes, it is. :-) 



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