On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Robert Roth <robert roth off gmail com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
Matthias Clasen (mclasen) asked me to write and let you know that I will
be taking over the maintenance of libgtop.
libgtop is the library used by System Monitor and Control Center (if you are a developer of an application using libgtop, please let me know) to query system information, but unfortunately the development has stalled, the last release has happened in 2011, almost two years ago.
My goals for the 3.12 cycle (as we're getting close to the 3.9 freeze, only for the next cycle) are to review the buglist of the module, and extend it to provide library support for various gnome-system-monitor enhancement requests, but in the meantime keep it simple and fast enough to back the upcoming Usage application.
Thanks for reading,I was trying to hack on the libgtop code a little while ago, and I just found it hard to hack on. The code was generated, and it seemed to be put together by this giant mess of perl scripts.
So, I wonder if it makes sense to stop generating libgtop and instead just focus on a solid, easily understood codebase. I never really understood why we had a client/daemon split, either; it doesn't seem that we're doing anything too fancy on either side. Is it that we require root for reading some of the files? Should we move to a system DBus service instead?
The other thing is that libgtop seems to be munging a lot of procfs files. I wonder if it'or something (completely made up example).
 s possible to investigate new kernel APIs or make ones so that instead of looking for "MemTotal:" in /proc/meminfo, we could just read /proc/mem/memtotal