Re: 3.8 "feature": Drop or Fix Fallback Mode

On 10/22/2012 05:36 PM, Brian Cameron wrote:
> In past discussions with the GNOME Foundation board of directors, I
> have highlighted that the Oracle desktop team would like to get more
> involved with doing tasks that are needed to continue supporting
> fallback mode, with no concrete response.  Below you say there is an
> interest in getting more people involved, so I am interested to hear
> what specific help is needed.

Probably you didn't get any concrete answer as most of the
technical/community decisions are not made by the GNOME Foundation
Board. As I mentioned on last Boston Summit, now and then a thread about
what to do about fallback mode appears. And someone mentions that they
know "someone" that are interested on fallback mode (not only as user),
but that "someone" doesn't appear at the thread.

So if Oracle desktop team are interested on it, what are their plans
about fallback mode? Because after all, this thread is not only about
drop or not fallback mode, but about what to do it it is not dropped.
What that team propose to fix it? As a reference, at the wiki [1] there
are several questions if the conclusion is maintain it.



Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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