Additional Concern About Chinese Input Source -- Lack of Localized Names

Please check and compare the two screenshots taken in zh_CN locale,
Fedora 18 (installed from Alpha with entire update) below. (Check those start with '汉语')
zh_CN -- Chinese (China)

What's the difference?
The string exposed are the same.
But we don't have the color icons as hints any more.
OS X and Windows do have localized names (as well as color icons).
I can only provide OS X screenshots currently, if needed.

BTW, I'd thank all people helped making logout that hard. You must
logout to change UI language.
BTW, I'd thank all people helped making the scrollbar as insane as
that of OS X (they are same except color).

Finally, I must seriously ask that don't discuss my crappy BTWs in this thread.

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