window-picker-applet for Fallback mode


I have ported the old window-picker-applet which was originally developed by Canocial to GTK+3. I also added a drag and drop feature which allows rearranging the icons with the mouse (like on the 'Window List' applet, or like in Windows Vista/7). Canonical is not maintaining this anymore and my port is the only currently working code base for GTK+3.

The code is on GitHub: (master branch, without drag and drop) (iconreodering branch with drag and drop reordering)

I am wondering if anyone is interested in this applet and wants to test it a little and could also give me some feedback about it. Dont forget to checkout the iconreordering branch if you want the drag and drop feature.

Best Regards

P.S. Unfortunately I don't have the time and knowledge right now to make a package out of this or provide a ppa for Ubuntu, but if there is someone out there who likes this applet then I might do that in the future.

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