One of the main points of Nat's talk was that we were at a point where
Gnome was ignoring innovation for fear of losing simplicity. His
presentation had a section called "barriers to hacking", where he had
items like "lack of tools", but also items like "lack of community",
"embarrassment" (because your work is not seen as good enough),
"humiliation" (because you get told that you are not up to Gnome's
standards), and "ridicule" ("you think *that* is a good UI? It
doesn't even follow the HIG!").
There is a big slide in that talk that says, "We need the cultural
freedom to innovate".
>From what I've seen happen since the start of Gnome 3, we are at a
similar period right now, where groups of Gnome developers are in
discomfort because the dynamics of the project are working against