Re: On the Interaction with the design team

Hi Dave,

Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Allan Day wrote:
> > #gnome-design is good; so is the usability list.
> > 
> > The ui-review Bugzilla keyword gets used in GNOME Shell and the control
> > center. We could try that here too.
> Presumably you & others are still not interested in drawing a few
> developers and designers into a gnome-design mailing list, separate from
> the usability list

I think it's important that we work on being more accessible, and we
need to make it easier for people to stay informed about what we're up
to in GNOME design, but I don't think a mailing list is a good way for
us to do that, and I'm pretty sure the others who are involved in
design work feel the same way.

So yes, you presume correctly. I'm open to other suggestions though. ;)

Right now, design update blog posts (like the one I did last week [1])
are one of the best mechanisms at our disposal, in my opinion. Long
term, we probably need specialist design tools or even a wave in a
box [2].

> (which is more post-processing than drawing up plans,
> I think)?

Maybe I missed a memo, but I wasn't aware of it having a particular
focus (other than usability).



IRC: aday on

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