Re: New module proposal: LightDM

Wops, I moved the conversation offlist. Getting back to d-d-l.

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com> wrote:
> On 13 May 2011 15:56, Fernando Herrera <fherrera onirica com> wrote:
>> What about starting AT applications like orca to use them to interact with
>> the greater?
> Yes, that is probably the solution we will use in Ubuntu/Unity.

So, how? I mean, currently I don't see anycode on lighDM for this. Are
you going to solve that at the distro level using some kind of script
that would start the greeter and then the required AT?

Currently GDM has code to autostart .desktop files with
AutostartCondition based on gconf settings, including support for the
registry, magnifier, on screen keyboard and screen reader.


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