Re: My thoughts on fallback mode

On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 15:09 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> 2011/1/3 Mario Blättermann <mariobl gnome org>
>         Am Montag, den 03.01.2011, 13:37 -0500 schrieb Owen Taylor:
>         > There will also be some people that want to use gnome-panel
>         because
>         >    they aren't ready to change. While we want to encourage
>         people who
>         >    have capable hardware to update and use the new
>         experience, there
>         >    are multiple advantages to accommodating such users in
>         fallback
>         >    mode as well rather than telling them to use GNOME 2.
>         Im afraid we will have a lot of more people who use the
>         "fallback mode"
>         or "classic mode" than the new desktop shell. Keep in mind, a
>         Linux or
>         BSD distribution will be installed on older hardware in many
>         cases,
>         because the newest Windows doesn't run properly anymore. On my
>         five
>         years old IBM Thinkpad T41 with ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 I
>         cannot use
>         gnome-shell. Only black windows... On the other hand, Compiz
>         with most
>         of its nice features works fine. That's why we *must* provide
>         an
>         appropriate clutter-less fallback mode for the GNOME 3
>         lifecycle (yes,
>         for the whole cycle!). What about to have a gnome-shell with a
>         fallback
>         mode which works (with function constraints) with the good old
>         metacity
>         or other window managers? And keeping gnome-applets as
>         gnome-shell-applets? Otherwise, we will get rid of a lot of
>         users.
> Gosh, so you believe that the majority of the Linux desktop market
> consists of old platforms?  Gnome-shell should work on any machine
> that is about 5 years old.  After that even things like flash and web
> browsers are going to be dog slow.  You simply would not use the
> primary application, the Internet in any appreciable fashion.
> Hopefully, said users are not some  old grey beard still running
> around using gopher, and lynx to browse the web. :-)

I'm not sure what's your point is - could you clarify this paragraph?


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